Re-elect Corinne Pierog for Kane County Board Chair
Your Independent Voice for Kane County

Responsible Financial Stewardship
- Supported a balanced budget with no new taxes.
- Saving the average commuter over $200 a year, secured a $30mm state grant and two $1m grants from McHenry and Cook Counties, eliminating the proposed toll on Longmeadow Parkway.
- In partnership with World Business Chicago, launched research for Kane County’s 1 st Economic Development Council.
- Successfully lobbied for legislation ensuring that Kane County collects its full share of the cannabis sales tax levy.
- Implemented equity compensation increases for Kane County’s employees keeping and attracting highly qualified employees.

Collaborative County Government
- Proven history of governing in a diverse and cross-party manner.
- With bipartisan support passed the County’s 1st Responsible Bider Ordinance.
- Founding member of the multi-county Greater Chicagoland Economic Development Council.
- Board member of the Illinois State Association of Counties.
- Active member of the Kane Kendall Council of Mayors and Metro West Council of Government.

Maintaining Safe Communities
- Providing significant financial resources and support for public safety programs.
- Direct oversight of the Department of Emergency Management and Kane COMM.
- Strengthening programs to deter the use and distribution of opioids and fentanyl.
- Invested in security measures for Kane County’s Government buildings, assuring public and employee safety.

Improving Roads & Infrastructure
- Received a $25million federal grant for railroad crossing improvements for the Randall and Hopps Road intersection.
- Maintain Kane County’s growing Ride in Kane Program providing accessible transportation for Veterans, Seniors, and Residents.
- Growing the regional bicycle trail system by 5% so that 67% of residents will be within a ¼ mile of a bike path.
- Rolled-out an interactive map of transportation improvement projects so residents may learn about current and future plans for Kane County’s roads.

Supporting Mental & Public Health
- Launched the Kane County Mass Vax Site providing over 600,000 vaccines for residents of northern Illinois.
- Allocated $10 million in federal pandemic recovery funding to the Health Department to address gaps in the
behavioral mental health system. - Supplying lifesaving naloxone to reduce opioid overdose deaths.
- Established plans and a budget for a new Health Department Building located in central Kane County.

Conservation of Natural Resources & Local Farms
- Awarded the For River’s designation as a member of the National Water Trails Network by the Department of
the Interior. - Establishing a study to measure the sustainability of Kane County’s underground water supply.
- Installed a 2-megawatt solar field at the Kane County Judicial Center saving taxpayers $5 million over the next 25 years.
- Protecting over 7,000 acres of family-owned and operated farms through the Farmland Protection Ordinance.
Your contribution will help to re-elect Kane County's 1st Democrat to the Kane County Board Chair.
Contact us to also help in other ways:
Contact us to also help in other ways:

P.O. Box 3501 St. Charles, IL 60174

Phone Number
(630) 937-4028

Contribute to the Committee to Elect Corinne Pierog
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take a look at the Kane County Democrats webpage: