Corinne Pierog for Kane County Board Chair
Your Independent Voice for Kane County
It is my honor to serve Kane County’s citizens.
Please help me help all of Kane County by electing more Democratic candidates to County Board Positions.
Nov 8 Election Info

Kane County Board Chair
About Corinne Pierog
After living on the East Coast, Pierog decided to return home to Illinois, settling in St. Charles. There as a single mom, she bought a “fixer-upper,” raised her young family, opened a management consulting firm, and earned an MBA from Roosevelt University, and remarried.
Knowing the importance of service to the community, she currently serves as the 1st vice-chair of Age Guide of Northeastern Illinois, and former member of the St. Charles Housing Commission. Active in issues facing her community, Pierog is the 1st vice-chair of the Kane County Democrats, and the founding chair of the Kane County Democratic Women, currently serving a second term.
Pierog previously served two terms on the St. Charles D303 Board of Education, and on the board of the United Way of Central Kane County. She was appointed under Governor Pat Quinn to the IL Business Enterprise Program Council. She is also a former candidate for the IL State Senate.
Pierog is a graduate from the University of California, Irvine, and holds a master’s degree from San Francisco State University. A former university professor and college administrator, Pierog changed careers to focus her work on community economic development and nonprofit management.
Pierog and her husband, Robert Krawczyk, have three grown children and four grandchildren.
Pierog is looking forward to a campaign of integrity, based on the issues that face Kane County. “We can no longer afford to look at the past and be mired in the present. Kane County’s leadership must begin to make substantive plans to address the County’s future.”
No Time for Politics with Kane County’s Budget
As chair, I may not have any vote except to break a tie, but the influence on how those votes are decided should not be made through the lens of partisan politics, but rather through knowledge, thought, and responsiveness to community input. Kane County’s budget requires a tactical approach that gauges the fiscal needs of the County while sensitively offsetting the tax burden of the County’s residents.
Time to Build Trust and Respect; Time for Collaboration
Now is the time that collaboratively, Democrats and Republicans, citizens and farmers, our businesses, industries and schools, county staff and elected officials, must work together to focus on the County’s future. It is time to ensure that all of our citizens are represented in leading Kane County.
Time to Preserve Kane County’s Natural and Built Resources
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To learn more about other candidates on the Democratic Ballot
take a look at the Kane County Democrats webpage: